These are ten effective marketing strategies for your ride-hailing business

Published on
August 30, 2022

These are ten effective marketing strategies for your ride-hailing business

Creating a business from the ground up is an interesting and exciting process. The internet has made the process easier and way more efficient. The ride-hailing industry is reaping the benefits of technological advancements and the global market. However, to reach this market, it is essential to have your brand out there through marketing efforts. In this post, we explore the most effective marketing strategies that ride-hailing businesses should adopt.

1. Launch various discounts/offers on your ride-hailing app

Offer lucrative deals and discounts to attract a large audience for your business. The majority of your customers belong to GENZ. You have to keep them interactive in a mobile app. A strong user interface and enhanced user experience are popular amongst customers with a high percentage.

2. Use price promotions

Free trials allow users to try different products or services before investing. The company uses the trial period to demonstrate to its customers why they should continue using it and pay if it expires. Offering a free ride for new users can help increase the number of users. Aside from this, consider introducing an on-demand discount on specific trips, including travel to the airport and off-peak times.

3. Establish meaningful and long-lasting local partnerships

Partnering with local businesses also allows you to increase your brand and attract new clients. The move could also help riders offer local businesses direct partnership incentives that may attract customers to their doorsteps. You can even host an event together at a bar or restaurant and give free rides to people who downloaded the apps and left their reviews.

4. Local segmentation and targeting are essential

The focus of local marketing segmentation is on the local market. The marketing campaign focuses on the local market. The marketing program is tailored to the needs of the local consumer group, cities, neighbourhoods, and even individual stores. Make your campaigns local and relatable to your local market to establish dominance.

5. Advertise on social media

Social media marketing targeting is crucial today, particularly involving local services. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram are social media platforms that could help you reach a wide market. A successful advertising campaign requires a little experimentation. Therefore, the best way is to test different concepts on different platforms. You can also boost your ads to reach a wider audience. 

6. Collect and share customer experiences

The customer should be able to collect and gather feedback from the customers regarding the service provided by your app or website. Customer-based feedback can showcase a company's real image to prospective customers. Tell your customers what you offer and tell others about it. Share the feedback from the applications with your drivers or share them individually. The client can find out about your app or its ride-hailing features. The customer can send you feedback by running different software.

7.  Have a rating and review system

With a review system, riders can view their drivers' scores and feel safe with their choice of ride-hailing service. Ratings and reviews promote the brand's reputation and encourage people to be able to do so with greater confidence. Customer reviews should be accessible and unaltered. They help increase a search engine’s popularity as well.

8. Create the perfect solution

The Mobi ride has improved customer experiences and is safer, more convenient, cheaper, and more enjoyable. The team built a perfect solution for cab drivers and passengers and created gig opportunities. Anyone in Kenya can earn a living with this app if they want to. Through Mobi Powershares, you can refer your fellow drivers and loved ones and earn a passive income.

9. Leverage the power of early adopters

Apps are always the critical launch phase for marketing, but ridesharing services also face more challenges - they have a two-part market, an attractive driver and a passenger. This is a good way for early adoption to encourage initiative. Create a waitlist for your product and give special offers to those that sign up. The early adopters can, in turn, become brand ambassadors. 

10. Have a referral program

Ride-hailing services should include a referral program as part of their marketing strategy to attract a wide market share. This is an opportunity for your clients to recommend your services to their friends and family. Mobi, for example, encourages its users to refer others and earn an income. This goes for both drivers and passengers.


A successful marketing strategy in any business is crucial to its success. Ride-hailing services should adopt the above tips to enhance their marketing plans that effectively increase customer acquisition and retention.

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